Prepare a planning application

Advertisement consent

When to use an Advertisement consent application

The Application for Consent to Display an Advertisement form should be used for proposals to display an advertisement or sign which requires planning permission.

You do not need consent from us to display some types of advertisements and signs. Check the government's guide on what is permitted without formal consent

When you are ready, you can submit your planning application on the Planning Portal.

Apply for planning permission 

Validation checklist for Advertisement consent

Required for all advertisement consent applications

  • Application form

    What you need to do

    Provide your contact information and details about the advertisement that you need consent for.

    Make sure you:

    • use the 'Advertisement consent' application form from the Planning Portal
    • fill in all relevant parts of the form
    • sign and date the application form before you submit it

    If you're not able to submit your application online, download copies of all application forms from the Planning Portal website.

    Why we need this

    This is a national requirement set out in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended).

  • Fee

    What you need to do

    Our application fees are set by the government. You must pay a fee for most application types. There are some fee exemptions which you can check on our planning applications types and fees webpage. 

    Make sure you:

    • find out the correct fee for your application type
    • make your payment online when you submit your application using the Planning Portal 
    • respond as soon as possible if we contact you for additional payment

    Check how much you need to pay

    View our guide on planning application types and fees to check how much you need to pay. 

    The costs for Consent to Display an Advertisement are:

    • £165 for advertisements relating to the business on the premises
    • £165 for advance signs that are not situated on or visible from the site, directing the public to a business
    • £578 for other advertisements

    You can also:

    Why we need this

    Planning fees are a national requirement set out in The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012.

  • Location Plan

    What you need to do

    Submit a plan of the site showing the application site in relation to the surrounding area.

    Make sure you:

    • scale plans at 1:1250 or 1:2500 and include a scale bar on each plan, on A4 or A3 paper size 
    • use an up-to-date base map
    • show roads or buildings on land adjoining the application site (labelling at least two roads)
    • outline the application site clearly in red; this must include all land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings
    • outline any additional land under the ownership of the applicant in blue if it immediately adjoins the proposed area

    Refer to how to prepare a location plan.

    Why we need this

    This is a national requirement set out in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended).

  • Existing and proposed elevations

    What you need to do 

    Show the proposed advertisement on the building. Elevation drawings show what the building looks like from the outside. They show the front, back and sides of the building. The elevation drawings should show what the building looks like from the outside now and after the proposed works. 

    Make sure you:

    • submit an individual elevation drawing for the front, back, and both sides of the building
    • scale plans at 1:100 or 1:50 on A4 and A3 paper size 
    • include a scale bar on each plan
    • include a unique reference number on each drawing
    • include written dimensions
    • include details of materials used in the development

    Why we need this

    This requirement is set out in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended).

  • Advertisement drawings

    What you need to do

    Provide drawings that show the location and scale of proposed adverts, and the details of any associated illumination and fittings.

    For more information, refer to our Advertisements SPD.

    Make sure you:

    • show the advertisement size, the siting, materials and colours to be used and how they will be fixed to the building
    • show the height above the ground and the extent of projection
    • detail the method and colours of the illumination or luminance
    • show a cross-section through all signs including through any supporting structures or walls
    • the details match your answers about the advertisement dimensions set out in your application form

    Why we need it

    To assess the impact of the proposed advert on existing buildings and the character of the local area.

    The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 set out the relevant planning legislation.

    Relevant planning policy:

    • Southwark Plan 2022 policy P43


Page last updated: 02 April 2024


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