Prepare a planning application
Approval (discharge) of a planning condition
When to use an Approval of a planning condition application
You can use this application type to submit details to us to approve in order to discharge a condition. The details required to discharge a condition are included in the decision notice for the approved development.
Failure to meet with a condition could result in planning permission being void and in some cases, we will consider the suitability of taking enforcement action.
When ready, you can submit your planning application on the Planning Portal.
Validation checklist for Approval (discharge) of a planning condition applications
Required for all Approval (discharge) of a planning condition applications
Application form
What you need to do
Provide your contact information and details about the condition you need approval for.
Make sure you:
- use the 'Approval (Discharge) of conditions' application form from the Planning Portal
- fill in all relevant parts of the form
- sign and date the application form before you submit it
If you cannot submit your application online, download copies of all application forms from the Planning Portal website.
Why we need this
This is a national requirement set out in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended).
What you need to do
Our application fees are set by the government. You must pay a fee for most application types. There are some fee exemptions which you can check on our planning applications types and fees webpage.
An application for discharge of each individual planning condition will cost:
- £43 for householder development
- £145 for any other development types
Make sure you:
- make your payment online when you submit your application using the Planning Portal
- respond as soon as possible if we contact you for additional payment
Why we need this
Planning fees are a national requirement set out in The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012.
Cover letter
What you need to do
Provide a letter to confirm which condition the application relates to, and summarise the supporting information with your application.
Make sure you:
- provide the original application reference number
- provide the full condition text
- list all supporting information with your application
Why we need this
To help us assess your application.
Supporting information
What you need to do
Submit drawings, documents, or other evidence to show that you have met the requirements of the condition. You must make sure you provide all the information required as listed in the decision notice.
Why we need this
To help us check that the terms of the condition have been met so that we can confirm it has been discharged.
Page last updated: 30 August 2024