Get election ready

The UK General Election is on 4 July. 
Register to vote by 18 June.
If you need to vote by post, you must apply to do this by 5pm on 19 June.
You need valid photo ID to vote in person. If you don’t have valid ID, apply by 5pm on 26 June for a Voter Authority Certificate.  
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark

Taking care of your heart and cancer screening

Cardiovascular disease (CVD), also known as heart and circulatory disease, is a general term for conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels. These include diabetes, stroke and heart failure.

These diseases are one of the main causes of death and disability in the UK.

Find out more about heart and circulatory diseases.

You can find out about the symptoms and treatments for heart and circulatory diseases.

The good news is that you can reduce your risk of developing heart and circulatory diseases by making changes to your lifestyle. Stopping smoking, eating healthily, maintaining a healthy weight, cutting back on alcohol and moving more all help.

You can get help to make these positive changes below:

The NHS Health Check is a free health check-up. It assesses your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and certain types of dementia, and helps you to prevent them.

If you're aged 40 to 74 years old without a pre-existing condition, you're eligible for a free health check every five years.

Find out more about the NHS Health Check.

Page last updated: 06 February 2024


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