Get election ready

The UK General Election is on 4 July. 
Register to vote by 18 June.
If you need to vote by post, you must apply to do this by 5pm on 19 June.
You need valid photo ID to vote in person. If you don’t have valid ID, apply by 5pm on 26 June for a Voter Authority Certificate.  
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark

Winter weather


Winter service

Please take extra care in our parks and open spaces during periods of inclement weather this winter, as hard surfaces may be slippery.

We'll be salting high-risk locations where ice or snow is visible during the day. However, the vast majority of hard surfaces within parks will remain untreated. Consider the risks of slipping over before entering a park and consider taking an alternative safer route.

Review your travel plans before setting off on your journey and always consider alternative means of transport.

Parks winter service approach (PDF, 299kb)

Page last updated: 23 January 2024


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