Hiring a park or public open space


As part of the decision making process, applications will be subject to a level of public consultation. Details of the event will be sent to a combination of ward councillors, residents and tenants associations and other local stakeholders such as park friends groups as appropriate.

The consultation will run for up to 28 days. During this time people can raise any concerns they may have or lodge an objection to the event taking place. Applicants may be required to provide extra information or possibly to meet with objectors to discuss their concerns.

During this time there will also be consultation with internal departments of the council and key partners such as the police.

Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

Applications for large events, or any event which may have a significant impact on a location and its surroundings, may be subject to scrutiny by the SAG. This is a panel of representatives from the various authorities and agencies including:

  • highways
  • licensing
  • police
  • fire service
  • environmental health
  • building control

Event organisers will be asked to present their event plans at one of the monthly SAG meetings and answer questions which may be raised about the event.

Decision time

The final decision regarding your application will be made based on the plans submitted, responses received through public consultation and on advice offered by the Safety Advisory Group. In cases of dispute opinions from all sides will be considered but the final decision rests with the council and its officers.

Page last updated: 16 November 2023


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