Get election ready

The UK General Election is on 4 July. 
Register to vote by 18 June.
If you need to vote by post, you must apply to do this by 5pm on 19 June.
You need valid photo ID to vote in person. If you don’t have valid ID, apply by 5pm on 26 June for a Voter Authority Certificate.  
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark

Piano People, RALLY, Body Movements, Bermondsey Carnival 2024 (Southwark Park)

Event management

The Rally team will be required to produce a comprehensive Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP). All elements of the ESMP will need to be signed off by the relevant members of Southwark’s Safety Advisory Group (SAG) before the event can go ahead. SAG members include

  • key Council Officers (Events, Parks, Licensing, Environmental Protection, Environmental Health, Emergency Planning, Highways, Parking, Community Safety, Trading Standards, Street Trading, Food Safety)
  • emergency services  (MET Police and London Ambulance Service)
  • representatives from partner agencies such as Transport for London

A series of meetings are arranged so that SAG members can input on plans whilst the the Rally team develop their Event Safety Management Plan.

Key areas covered in the Event Safety Management Plan will be:

  1. Traffic and transport management
  2. Waste management
  3. Noise management
  4. Alcohol management
  5. Crowd management (audience)
  6. Crowd safety (audience)
  7. Community safety (public)
  8. Child and vulnerable adult policy
  9. Site safety and security
  10. Park/wildlife protection
  11. Event sustainability. (The planning and delivery of the event is subject to the Events environmental sustainability guide

The event will not go ahead unless all relevant members of the SAG are satisfied with the plan.

Page last updated: 18 April 2024


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