Southwark Festival of Words

Coming soon! The Southwark Festival of Words, a literary festival for all ages across local libraries, is back from 15 to 22 June 2024. This year our theme is Stories From Around the World, a fantastic mix of poets, storytellers, artists and spoken word.

Get election ready

The UK General Election is on 4 July. 
Register to vote by 18 June.
If you need to vote by post, you must apply to do this by 5pm on 19 June.
You need valid photo ID to vote in person. If you don’t have valid ID, apply by 5pm on 26 June for a Voter Authority Certificate.  
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark

About Southwark Presents

Editorial policy for event submissions

  1. Events submitted through this website are for inclusion in the Southwark Presents What’s On Diary. If you select ‘For young people’ as a category for your event, it will also be listed on our dedicated youth services website, Onehub Southwark.
  2. Events are not automatically included on these websites. They will be moderated and may be edited. Southwark Council reserves the right to exclude any event at its discretion.
  3. Southwark Council reserves the right to exclude any event at its discretion. Listing of an event does not constitute an endorsement from the council.
    Events should be cultural or sporting and taking place in the London Borough of Southwark on a specific date. They can be ticketed or free. Examples of events that would be included are:
    • a temporary exhibition
    • a festival
    • a charity fun run around a park
    • a theatre performance with a limited run
    • a choir performance
    • a short series of sports workshops
    • a children’s nature walk
    • a book signing or talk 
  4. Ongoing activities for young people can remain on Onehub Southwark for an extended period. The maximum length of listings on the main Southwark Presents What’s On Diary is 3 months.  
  5. Listing of an event does not constitute an endorsement from the council. It does not indicate approval of any license, permission or other authorisation for your event to take place. Visit our planning an event pages for guidance on these.
  6. To increase the reach of your listing, you should aim to submit it at least 14 days before the event.
  7. How we use your data: Southwark Council will use your personal data (name, email address and telephone number) to administer the Southwark Presents What’s On Diary. We will publish the email address that you submit under ‘About the event’ along with the event details. We only use the email address and telephone number that you provide under the ‘About you’ section if we need to contact you to clarify the details. Your personal information will be reviewed or destroyed after 2 months. If you are concerned about how the council is using your data, please contact our Data Protection Officer via or on 020 7525 5000.  More information about your rights is available on our website, or via the Information Commissioner website.

Go back and submit an event

Page last updated: 06 February 2023


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