Southwark design system

By using the styles and guidelines provided here, you can ensure that your design aligns with the values and objectives of Southwark Council.

Why you should use the recommended styles and guidelines

  • Consistency: Using the recommended styles and guidelines will ensure consistency across the website.
  • Accessibility: By using the recommended styles and guidelines, you can ensure that your design is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.
  • Trust: By using the recommended styles and guidelines, you can help build trust with users by demonstrating that the website is well-designed and easy to use.


The Southwark Council web site uses the following SVG logo.

Foundation framework

The Southwark Council web pages use this framework for layout. If you need to create rows and columns in your layouts you can use the rules prebuilt into this CSS system without the need of compiling other frameworks in your CSS.

We recommend that you use the Flexbox powered grid, but you may also use the XY grid which is also compiled into the project.

Dependencies merged into this project
Library Version
Foundation - sites v6.76
jQuery JavaScript Library v3.6.3
Both of these libraries are compiled into the single file

Here's a basic grid

Six cell

Six cell

12/6/4 columns

12/6/8 columns

Grid breakpoints

This web project uses grid breakpoints to ensure that it looks and functions well across different devices and screen sizes. The breakpoints are defined at these widths.

Viewport name Small Medium Large xLarge xxLarge
Viewport size 0px 640px 1024px 1200px 1440px


If you wish to use foundation HTML components, these ones are rendered in this web project.

Generic components

  • foundation-button
  • foundation-close-button
  • foundation-label
  • foundation-progress-bar
  • foundation-switch
  • foundation-table
  • foundation-breadcrumbs
  • foundation-callout
  • foundation-pagination
  • foundation-tooltip


  • foundation-accordion
  • foundation-media-object
  • foundation-orbit
  • foundation-responsive-embed
  • foundation-tabs
  • foundation-thumbnail

Menu-based containers

  • foundation-menu

Layout components

  • foundation-reveal
  • foundation-sticky


  • foundation-float-classes
  • foundation-flex-classes
  • foundation-visibility-classes
  • foundation-prototype-classes


This web project uses the Adobe fonts web service.

The font is Myriad Pro. This font family is already compiled into your branded template and will work only if your project is hosted on the domain.

You can view the font information here.

If needed, you can set the font family in your CSS like this:

body {font-family: myriad-pro, sans-serif;}

Font sizes and breakpoints

Element 640px- breakpoint 640px+ breakpoint
<h1> 1.68rem (32px) 2.53rem (48px)
<h2> 0.95rem (18px) 1.89rem (36px)
<h3> 0.95rem (18px) 1.26rem (24px)
<h4> 0.95rem (18px) 1.16rem (22px)
<h5> 0.84rem (16px) 0.95rem (18px)
<h6> 0.84rem (16px) 0.95rem (18px)
<p> 0.84rem (16px) 0.95rem (19px)
<li> 0.84rem (16px) 0.95rem (19px)

h1. This is the largest header.

h2. This is a large header.

h3. This is a medium header.

h4. This is a moderate header.

h5. This is a small header.
h6. This is a tiny header.

p. This is a paragraph.

Colour palette

Primary - Teal blue
HEX #256F8A
Usage: Header

Primary decor - Dark sky blue
Usage: Primary decor

Secondary decor - Maximum blue
Usage: Secondary decor

Tertiary decor - Rackley
Usage: Tertiary decor

Quaternary decor - Japanese indigo
Usage: Quaternary decor

Chinese black
HEX #111111
Usage: Header accent

Eerie Black
Usage: Footer

Anti flash white
Usage: Champion accent

Bright Grey
Usage: Breadcrumb

Green Blue
HEX #1D70B8
Usage: Website notifications

Dartmouth green
HEX #00713A
Usage: Call to action

GDS components

You are free to use these components in your project.

All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated.

Warning Warning text component
Details component

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Callout component

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit

Tag component
Type Tag
Primary Blue
Success Green
Ready Yellow
Waiting or incomplete Grey
Warning Red


Notification banner component

Use a notification banner to tell the user about something they need to know about, but that’s not directly related to the page content. View application.