
Wider council plans and strategies

Movement Plan and Local Implementation Plan 

The Movement Plan (2019) [SP506] (PDF, 1.3mb)

  • sets out our approach to improve people's experience of travel to, within and around the borough.
  • places people and their wellbeing at the heart of our policy.
  • sets our vision for the next twenty years (2041) includes missions and actions to ensure that we meet our vision.

The Local Implementation Plan 3 (2019) [EIP212] (PDF, 2.5mb)

  • supplements the Movement Plan and replaces the borough’s Transport Plan (2011).
  • is prepared in response to the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (2018).
  • sets out the goals and transport objectives for the borough (up to 20 years).
  • sets out a three-year programme of investment, the targets and expected outcomes. 

Kerbside Strategy 

The Draft Kerbside Strategy (2017) [SP508] (PDF, 3.5mb)

  • proposes an evidence-based framework to managing the kerbside space.
  • introduces new policies to address unsafe parking and parking stress on residential streets and town centres.
  • includes policies to promote walking and cycling.

Cycling Strategy 

The Southwark Cycling Strategy (2015) [SP507] (PDF, 5.6mb)

  • is our strategy for cycling in Southwark.
  • sets out a delivery plan and cost estimates to show how this policy will be implemented over the following 5 years.
  • presents spatial analyses and feedback from a consultation questionnaire and residents survey as supporting evidence. 

Page last updated: 05 April 2023


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