Get election ready

The UK General Election is on 4 July. 
Register to vote by 18 June.
If you need to vote by post, you must apply to do this by 5pm on 19 June.
You need valid photo ID to vote in person. If you don’t have valid ID, apply by 5pm on 26 June for a Voter Authority Certificate.  
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark

Gardening, growing and conservation

Estate opportunities



Community gardening schemes

Many estates have community-led gardening schemes. Communities can bid for funds to support this kind of activity from grants such as the Tenant Fund, Neighbourhoods fund, Cleaner, greener, safer Fund

Food growing on estates

If you have a group of residents keen to create a food-growing garden on a Southwark housing estate, find out how the council can support your group

Edible Bankside (BOST)

The Edible Bankside project by Bankside Open Spaces Trust (BOST) staff and volunteers involves residents on social housing estates in SE1 creating new gardens and raising beds to promote community growing.

Grow London

A communal food growing project based on Albany Road, next to Burgess Park, working collectively to grow vegetables. The produce is shared between the people who participate, with any surplus going to local community-based food projects. Everyone is welcome to join.

Page last updated: 08 February 2024


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