Council expands domestic abuse support team in response to coronavirus lockdown

6 May 2020

Domestic abuse has always been a distressing issue, affecting women and families from all backgrounds. Now, more than ever, when family tension is high and people are forced to stay at home, those who are not safe in their homes are especially vulnerable to abuse.

Over recent months, the council has noticed a disturbing trend in the severity of domestic abuse cases that present at its services. In April alone, 100 high risk cases were received compared to 46 for the same period the previous year. Proportionally, high risk cases now make up 71% of the total caseload compared to 31% during the same period last year. Overall, domestic abuse figures increase year on year.

In response to this, and in line with its ongoing Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy, the council has allocated £25,000 from council budgets to provide an additional, full time domestic violence advocate for six months. They will work for the council’s embedded expert partner, Solace Women’s Aid, which is a leading charity providing a wide range of bespoke support to women experiencing domestic abuse – from housing and legal information on rights to mental health and relationship support.

While the service ordinarily operates from the council’s offices in Peckham, during lockdown, this will be run remotely, with help and support available to women in Southwark by phone when they are referred or if they call the service (details below).

Councillor Evelyn Akoto, cabinet member for community safety and public health, says: “It’s imperative that local authorities and The Government recognise and respond to this very serious issue, which has been hugely exacerbated by the public health crisis and lockdown. We, alongside our charity partners, know that many women now find themselves essentially imprisoned with the person abusing them, and the issue will not go away once lockdown ends. We hope that this extra support for those experiencing domestic abuse will help people out of what is an extremely difficult time for them.”

  • If you are worried about someone you think might be experiencing domestic abuse in Southwark, or if you need help yourself, call 020 7539 1290 (available 24/7), or email

Page last updated: 06 May 2020

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