Get election ready

The UK General Election is on 4 July. 
Register to vote by 18 June.
If you need to vote by post, you must apply to do this by 5pm on 19 June.
You need valid photo ID to vote in person. If you don’t have valid ID, apply by 5pm on 26 June for a Voter Authority Certificate.  
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark

Crime prevention advice

Safety at home

We all have responsibility to help prevent crime by making sure we take steps to protect our property. Here are some easy things you can do to stop burglars, reduce your risk of fire and stop bogus callers taking advantage of you in your home.

Keep burglars out by:

  • ensuring your windows are closed and locked securely before leaving home; fit deadlocks to all outside doors 
  • hiding spare keys in secure places that aren't obvious to burglars (eg under a brick or in a shed)
  • leaving a light or radio on at night so it appears someone is in
  • not leaving cash lying around

Keep safe from fire:

  • by having an escape plan and making sure everyone knows about it
  • fitting a fire alarm and testing it regularly

Bogus callers

Usually a bogus caller knocks on the door to distract the person living there, while an accomplice burgles the property. Avoid this from happening by:

  • fitting a chain and/or a spy hole
  • always asking for identification and making sure they're a genuine caller

Other advice

Follow the links below for useful tips and advice on how you can protect yourself and your property.

  • BBC - advice on protecting yourself, your family and your car while on holiday; offers interactive quizzes on protecting your car and your home
  • Help the Aged - range of services designed to help older people remain independent and secure in their own home
  • London Fire Brigade - provides tips to prevent home fires; explains the most common causes of fires

Page last updated: 22 September 2021


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