Safeguarding help and advice

All agencies should have a designated or named person who can advise their colleagues on safeguarding children. For advice, contact the relevant designated adviser for your agency below.

  • Southwark Primary Care NHS Trust
    Designated doctor (Paediatrician): 020 3049 8009
    Designated nurse: 020 3049 8133
    Named doctor (Paediatrician): 020 3049 8018
    Named nurses: 07789 741 518
  • Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
    Named doctor: 020 7188 4635
    Named nurse: 020 7188 2473
    Named midwife: 020 3299 3084
  • Kings College Hospital NHS Trust
    Named doctor: 020 3299 3984
    Named nurse: 020 3299 1185
    Named midwife: 020 3299 4971
  • South London and Maudsley NHS Trust
    Named doctor: 020 7138 1591 
    Named nurse: 020 3228 3483
If you think a child is in immediate danger, contact the police on 999

Children's social care

To make a referral of a child thought to be at risk of abuse or neglect, immediately contact the referral and assessment team at children's services on 020 7525 1921.

If your agency doesn't have its own guidance or specialist child protection advisor, contact the quality assurance unit and ask to speak to the duty child protection coordinator on 020 7525 3297 who can give you advice. 

You can contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on: 

  • 0207 525 0689 (LADO)


Each school/education setting has its own designated persons for safeguarding children. For safeguarding advice from LA's Education Services, contact the Early Help Service (EHS) Duty Manager on 020 7525 3893/2702 or LA's Schools Safeguarding Coordinator on 020 7525 2715.


You can contact the Metropolitan Police's child abuse investigation team on 020 7230 3700.

Page last updated: 05 November 2019


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