Internet safety

Safer Internet Day: Tuesday 11 February 2020

The next Safer Internet Day is on 11 February 2020. The theme is 'Together for a Better Internet'.

Millions of people in the UK will take part. Teachers and students in local schools will be talking about making the internet better for everyone. We know how useful new technology is for our learning, our access to massive amounts of information from around the world, and our personal development as linked in citizens; and so Safer Internet Day celebrates the internet as a big step forward for human societies.

Harmful internet sites

The internet influences people, often to do good deeds, learn more, achieve more, or perhaps to buy more chocolates or want to buy a new car. But, the worst of the internet can be very harmful indeed. That is why terrorists use beheading videos, and there is illegal porn out there that causes sexual assaults to happen in real life. Social media can be used to bully school mates, and adults who are sexually attracted to children may pretend to be very young so that they can make on-line contact.

What you can do

You can take part by talking to children and younger people in your families. The Safer Internet Day gives us a good reason to ask which sites younger family members go to and why. Just be interested and curious in how they spend their time when on-line, and watch out for any sites that need more care then usual. The internet is wonderful, let’s keep it that way.

Parents who want to know how to put on-line controls onto computers and phones, or to start conversations with older teenagers about on-line safety, visit the UK Safer Internet Centre website.

For Teachers, Parents and Carers

The UK Safer Internet Centre has launched resources ahead of Safer Internet Day 2020 on 11 February 2020. The theme for the day is 'Together for a Better Internet'. Resources for teachers include packs to be used with different age groups and guidance for educators as well as resource packs for parents and carers. You can find more information and resources here. All Southwark schools will be thinking about what they can do to take part and make good use of these resources.

To report sites that are harmful to children, the police have an on-line team at this address.

You can report materials you've found on-line that promotes terrorism here.

Page last updated: 15 September 2021


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