Southwark Maternity Commission
Join a meeting about maternity care in Southwark
The following meetings are open to the public and health professionals to share their experience of maternity care in Southwark. We will
- live stream meetings one, five and six
Meeting one: Introduction to the Southwark Maternity Commission
- Tuesday 23 January 2024, 10am to 12pm
- Southwark Council
160 Tooley Street
The meeting involved:
- presentation of national and local data on maternity care and evidence of broad inequalities
- overview of national and local policy around maternity care
Meeting two: Listening to local frontline voices
- Thursday 14 March 2024, 5.30pm to 8.30pm
- Rye Oak Children's and Family Centre
Whorlton Road
SE15 3PD
The key audience for this meeting included health professionals and the public. At the meeting, we:
- heard from local frontline maternity care professionals
- reviewed how their experiences align with policy and where delivery falls short of guidance to reduce health inequalities in maternity care
Meeting three: Listening to people who use the Southwark maternity care services
- Wednesday 17 April 2024, 12pm to 2.30pm
- Rye Oak Children's and Family Centre
Whorlton Road, SE15 3PD
At the meeting we heard:
- from service users about their experiences accessing maternity care
- evidence on local inequalities
Meeting four: Focus on inequalities for Black people who have been or are pregnant
- Tuesday 11 June 2024, 12pm to 2.30pm
- Peckham Library
122 Peckham Hill Street
SE15 5JR
At the meeting, we heard:
- how access, experience and outcomes vary for women who give birth from Black ethnic backgrounds
Meeting five: Recommendations based on your views on maternity care
- Wednesday 24 July 2024, 10am to 12.30pm
- Southwark Council
160 Tooley Street
At the meeting, we:
- reviewed emerging recommendations based on evidence gathered to date
- focused on new actions needed while recognising existing activities that are helping to reduce health inequalities in maternity care
Meeting six: Southwark-wide organisational commitments to maternity care changes
- Monday 30 September 2024, 1pm to 3.30pm
Southwark Council
160 Tooley Street
The final meeting will:
- discuss the recommendations of the Maternity Commission report
- invite organisations to commit to make meaningful change
- form the basis of a multi-organisation public declaration for change
Who should come along on 30 September
We welcome residents and the local work force who’ve contributed to the consultations, organisations involved in maternity care and those who’ve contributed already, politicians and people with an interest in improving maternity care.
View maternity commission meeting details, recordings and papers.
Page last updated: 30 September 2024