Get election ready

The UK General Election is on 4 July. 
Register to vote by 18 June.
If you need to vote by post, you must apply to do this by 5pm on 19 June.
You need valid photo ID to vote in person. If you don’t have valid ID, apply by 5pm on 26 June for a Voter Authority Certificate.  
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark

Recycling discovery centre

Workshop ideas for after a visit

Listed below are some interactive games for children to continue the learning experience after their visit.

Recycling run around (version 1) (PDF, 80kb)  

  • using a multiple choice quiz, read a question and give children three possible answers
  • children run to one of three areas (marked a/b/c) they think relates to the right answer
  • those who get the question wrong are out of the game and move to a designated area
  • keep asking questions until you have one child left – they are the winner

Recycling run around (version 2) (PDF, 84kb)

  • using a bag of ten clean, dry materials. pick out one at a time, asking what can be done with it. Can it be reused? Can it be recycled? Or is it just rubbish?
  • children run to one of three marked areas (marked reuse/recycle/rubbish) they think relates to the right answer. Remember - there is often more than one correct answer
  • those who get the question wrong are out of the game and move to a designated area
  • keep asking questions until you have one child left – they are the winner

Ready, steady, recycle! (PDF, 85kb)

  • a relay race, splitting children into two or three teams, using the assembly hall or playground
  • using a bag of ten clean, dry materials, children pick out one item at a time and run to either a box marked ‘recycle’ or a box marked ‘rubbish’
  • when all teams have finished, take each team up to their boxes to see how many they got right and wrong; discuss outcomes and begin a rematch if time

Recycling bingo (PDF, 71kb)  

  • organise children into pairs - each pair is given a bingo card of 21 recyclable items
  • from a provided list of recyclable items, read each one out in turn
  • when a pair complete the full card, they must shout “bingo” – they are the winners

Page last updated: 12 January 2018


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