Coordinated admission arrangements

Determined community school admission arrangements and co-ordinated admission schemes 2018 to 19

In accordance with Regulations 17 and 26-32 of the School Admissions Regulations 2012, the determined admission arrangements for community schools in Southwark and the co-ordinated admission schemes for entry to all primary and secondary schools in the borough are published below. 

Southwark's determined admission arrangements will be used to decide how school places will be offered at its community primary schools only for September 2018. 

You can view the documents relating to Southwark's determined community school admission arrangements and co-ordinated admission schemes 2018/19 here:

If you prefer to view these documents in hard copy, contact the school admissions team to arrange for a copy to be sent by post.

In accordance with Regulation 23 of the School Admissions Regulations 2012, parents have the right to refer any objections relating to admission arrangements to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator if they consider that they don't comply with the law or the mandatory requirements set out in the School Admissions Code of Practice 2014.

Any objections to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator must be made using this form from the GOV.UK website and lodged by 15 May 2017.

Page last updated: 14 March 2024


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