The work will go ahead after successful negotiation between Southwark Council and a number of viaduct arch traders beneath Elephant and Castle mainline station. A Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the land needed to create the link was confirmed this month.
The new route is vital to the vision of a connected Town Centre for the area, enabling easy pedestrian movement and good connectivity.
All the local businesses affected will be offered an alternative unit within the Town Centre. So far, DistriAndina will be moving into the new Town Centre and Beset International will be relocated into a spare arch currently used as a site entrance. Southwark Council has worked with Corsica Studios to ensure the grassroots venue can remain in its current location and will benefit from a full refurbishment.
Once complete, the new Elephant and Castle Town Centre will deliver significant benefits to the area including:
- Major upgrade to the London Underground station hall, including provision for the Bakerloo Line extension;
- A brand new state-of-the-art campus for the London College of Communication (LCC);
- 485 new homes, of which 172 homes will be affordable rent;
- 56,000 sq.ft of workspace and of which 10% will be affordable;
- 135,000 sq.ft of new retail space including affordable retail units, restaurants and leisure space.
Cllr Helen Dennis, Cabinet Member for New Homes and Sustainable Development said: “Elephant & Castle town centre is a fast-growing town centre, which will include a brilliant new college campus and a lot affordable workspace.
“It’s great that we can complete the vision for Elephant & Castle by building this walking route to nearby Elephant Park, which will be of huge benefit to local people and future generations.
“We’d like to thank all the local businesses we’ve worked closely with, and we will continue to do all we can to minimise disruption and get the best outcomes for them as well as local people.
“We’re going to see a new Elephant & Castle town centre which re-energises the area, with residential, environmental and economic benefits for all.”
In addition, a planning application is being brought forward for revised proposals for the Town Centre West Site. The proposals will deliver 507 new homes, of which 165 will be affordable, together with 440 new student homes. A new public square is also proposed, together with new retail and cafés, and a part of the existing LCC workshop building will be retained as a cultural venue.