Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Referrals and consent

On receipt of a CAF, the MASH contact is screened. Decisions from screening include:

  • CAF’S without consent, that aren't a safeguarding concern, will be returned to referrer for this to be completed
  • Duty Managers may pass to relevant agencies for appropriate level of action and outcome feedback back to the referrer.
  • MASH Team Manager decision to RAG rate the contact for joint information sharing and risk assessment

The RAG rating (RED / AMBER / GREEN) by the MASH Team Manager is to ensure that the most urgent cases are dealt with first. These ratings may change at any time during the MASH process as new information comes to light.

Staff from every agency then gather and share information confidentially and securely to enable an informed decision to be made.

The MASH Manager will use the collected information to decide the most appropriate intervention for the child’s identified needs. The MASH manager decision may be:

  • Children Social Care assessment
  • other agencies - Early Help, Specialist Family Focus, Health
  • close the case - no further action required

All decisions will be fed back to the referrer.

Contact us

If you need information or have any questions, contact us:

Sumner House
Sumner Road
SE15 5QS

Page last updated: 18 October 2023


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