Funeral expenses and charges

Genealogy and ground sundries

Genealogy and searches



Cemetery location plan for searches & genealogy


Marking / Identification of grave prior to visit special request (min 5 days notice)


Search fee (per name)


General maintenance and ancillary fees



Grave depth check (where possible)


Grave top up (chargeable if 12 months after last interment)


Grave re-turf (chargeable if 12 months after last interment)


Shallow grave liner only where possible (in addition to the interment fee)


Level & turf (chargeable if 12months after last interment)


Removal of unauthorised garden area / tree / bush


Removal of garden area / tree / bush in (preparation for burial)


Removal of unauthorised items (small)


Removal of unauthorised items (medium)


Removal of unauthorised items (large)



Page last updated: 20 April 2023


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